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Feed Me Chicken 11:46 Fri Jun 26
Terror attack in France
.....yes another one under way

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

mentor 1:42 Sun Jun 28
Re: Terror attack in France
When the French could take no more of a ruling class who abused their position, that ruling class was eradicated. They now have a breed of people who are abusing, not only their position, but France's hospitality. It's time for a different kind of revolution, take back their country and ask every Muslim to go back to their mother country.

SHORTYHAMMER 12:57 Sun Jun 28
Re: Terror attack in France
The peaceful time of Ramadan

Tick tock.

The Human Stain 11:04 Sat Jun 27
Re: Terror attack in France
Capitol man 12.22
Well there are 17 Arab members of the Israeli parliament, a few of those I guess will be Christian. I wonder how many Jews and Christians Isis expects to be members of its parliament (as if it intends a parliament). And I wonder how many Jewish members of Arab state parliaments there are. My guess- none.
Your question does you little credit.

happygilmore 10:32 Sat Jun 27
Re: Terror attack in France
Flight from NY to Kuwait being diverted to London. Skynews trying to big it up as a security alert.

Oliver Cromwell 7:49 Sat Jun 27
Re: Terror attack in France
Matter of time before London suffers another terrorist attack

Cameron needs to stop sweeping it under the carpet

mentor 7:39 Sat Jun 27
Re: Terror attack in France
They are closing down loads of mosques that are known to preach radical islam in Tunisia. When is our magnificent leader Cameron going to do the same in England?

Capitol Man 2:45 Sat Jun 27
Re: Terror attack in France
We're asking Muslims to defeat Isis. Do we really want to take on a couple of billon people or is it better to carve them off from the mainstream to deal with them?

Jumping up and down about the rights and wrongs of the Islamic faith is going to achieve nothing, except fill some sort of need in you.

Capitol Man 2:39 Sat Jun 27
Re: Terror attack in France
I find it annoyingly liberal scraper.

All religions are fucked. We just appear to be going through a period where the Muslim religion is the most fucked.

Scraper 12:53 Sat Jun 27
Re: Terror attack in France
Capitol, a website recommendation for you:


simon.s 12:41 Sat Jun 27
Re: Terror attack in France
Sorry, that's if I give a fuck.......

simon.s 12:32 Sat Jun 27
Re: Terror attack in France
I'm going there Sunday, I'll let you know.

Capitol Man 12:22 Sat Jun 27
Re: Terror attack in France
What about Muslim communities in Israel? How they doing?

The difference we have these days is that the actions of "Christian" nations are blamed on the nation and not specifically the dominant religion of that country.

Simple fact is that it remains totally hypocritical to label one religion as being one of death without at least examining how the others are doing on that front.

Ridikzappa 11:57 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France

the intellectual somersaults some will attempt in order to make Islam not a threat is bizarre.

As is the phenomenal ignorance of equating Islam with Christianity.

I agree that the vast majority of Muslims I've known are decent people. The ideology their founder left them with though is too closely a reflection of him, and as such, it is no wonder that it leads to unprecedented levels of violence and suppression of any other ideology.

A Christian who kills or harms any human being is specifically and unequivocally going against the teaching of Christ, the person they claim to follow.

A Muslim who kills or harms a human being is specifically following the example and teaching of Muhammed, the man who founded their religion.

As I said, the vast majority of Muslims I've met have been decent people, they choose the good and peaceful bits from the Quran. If you want to do wrong though, only communism gives Islam anything approaching a run for its money in terms of offering a moral justification for your evil.

Don't believe me? Then compare the experience of Christian communities in Muslim countries, compared to the experience of Muslims in Christian ones.

1985 11:08 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Doesn't make any difference Shorty. It's irrelevant. Your branding is as ludicrous as those who branded Catholics as terrorists back then, and they did exist, I remember them.

Time (tick tock) to change the record.

SHORTYHAMMER 10:42 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
1985 10:40 Fri Jun 26

This isnt happening in one country.. This is worldwide.. The catholics of Italy didnt attack London..

This is a global islamic terrorist movement..

How silly to compare..

1985 10:40 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Sad that there is so much ignorance around. Just because some idiots do things in the name of Islam does not make all Muslims terrorists. I suppose though, there were people around in the 70s and 80s who thought that, due to the IRA, all catholics were terrorists.

Messed up world. Participants and observers alike.

SHORTYHAMMER 10:40 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
stirlinghammer 10:14 Fri Jun 26

They never win..Nazis got beat.. we saw off the Communist threat off the cold war.. and Islam will be defeated.. Good always wins over evil..


Tick tock

stirlinghammer 10:14 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Increasingly angry...lmfao...typing harder?

Man up. Don't worry your pretty little head. These terrorists never win. Show some backbone you silly cunt.

Ridikzappa 10:11 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
So Stirling, how would you deal with the ever increasing atrocities committed by your fellow followers of the disgusting ideology that is Islam?

What constructive proposals can you make?

Fuck all i assume other than to attack us infidels, mainly on WHO, who are getting increasingly angry at the rising terror going on all around the world.

SHORTYHAMMER 10:09 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
stirlinghammer 10:00 Fri Jun 26

Uber , so funny.. Guess your family work for them... Mainly muslims that cannot speak english.

Hit a nerve did i With the child bride thing eh..Guess you might wanna move to Iran then...You can Uber to the Airport.. if abdul can find it? big place with shiney metal birds..Got Any stepdaughters you might fancy?


Always Muslims... No surprise..

Tick Tock..

stirlinghammer 10:00 Fri Jun 26
Re: Terror attack in France
Uber has made you worthless. Sad but true shorty ...

Counting ethnics tonight?radical way to deal with this issue.

Do you feel scared tonight shorty? End of the world and all that?

Get a grip you tart.

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